Assessment & Reporting
Year 10 Reports
Please watch the video below for guidance on your child’s Year 10 Report.
Assessment is a fundamental part of teaching and learning at The Hamble School. Teachers use assessment data and practices to; inform teaching, engage learning and maintain the highest expectations. Assessment is a term which encompasses a wide range of formal and informal activities including both summative and formative information.
Summative assessment (external and internal exams) has a place in providing a summary of achievement. Formative assessment – Assessment for Learning (AfL) practices, are used in all classrooms to impact on both motivation and attainment. The Hamble School assessment system for KS3 focuses on a holistic overview of how students are progressing in each subject.
Key Principles
The Hamble School uses prior and current assessment data as an integral part of improving standards.
- Prior and initial assessment data is used effectively to inform teaching, set targets, group students where appropriate and as a starting point for monitoring progress.
- Ongoing assessment is conducted to inform teaching, empower and motivate students, monitor progress of individuals/key groups/cohorts, prepare students for terminal assessment, inform relevant interventions for students whom require it, and inform parental reporting.
- Assessment data is reported to communicate achievement and progress with parents/ carers, to engage learners and to inform leaders (including governance) of whole school progress.
Parental Progress Reports
Year 7, 8 and 9 have three and Year 10 and 11 have four, calendared Progress Reports (PR) throughout the year. The Hamble School believes that “no assessment data should be entered in isolation” and due to this, assessment data entry is calendared and conducted as departments. Heads of Department are responsible for the moderation and quality assurance of assessment data before entry. All teachers are responsible for providing up to date assessment data as an evidence base for reporting judgements to be made. When these processes are completed the following information is reported to parents.
Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 & 9)
Understanding Key Stage 3 Assessment
Please watch the video below for guidance on your child’s report.
At each parental Progress Report the following assessment information is communicated per subject area:
- Target Grade.
- Current Grade.
- Final Predicted Grade.
- Area of improvement.
- Attitude to Learning (ATL) descriptors – for in-class behaviour and quality of classwork.
- Attitude to Homework (AHW) descriptors – for quality of home learning and organisation.
For further information on reporting grade descriptors see ‘KS3 Student Progress’ booklet.
Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)
At each parental Progress Report the following assessment information is communicated per subject area:
- Target Grade.
- Current Grade.
- Predicted Grade.
- Attitude to Learning (ATL) descriptors – for in-class behaviour and quality of classwork.
- Attitude to Homework (AHW) descriptors – for quality of home learning and organisation.