Rewards & Recognition
Rewards, positive recognition and celebrating success are important aspects of school life at The Hamble School.
The purpose of our rewards system is to:
- Give students recognition for their efforts throughout the year
- Make them feel valued
- Build confidence
- Motivate them to achieve.
The system is aligned to our whole school values of ‘We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together’. In addition, rewarding good behaviour enables students to become self-disciplined, take responsibility for themselves and work together as a community.
Students are rewarded via positive points on Class Charts. Our system ensures that students are able to benefit regardless of their age or ability. In departments and year groups staff celebrate success by awarding points, positive postcards, nominations and certificates.
Our whole school recognition system is outlined below. This was developed in consultation with our Student Council.
Whole School Recognition Levels

Every week on a Friday students will be awarded prizes from the points they have gained during the week.
Look out for student names on social media, in the Weekly Message and the newsletter. We love to celebrate our students’ successes. Please remember you can also share what you have achieved outside of school by emailing
Celebration Friday!
In addition to rewards being distributed on a Friday, students have the opportunity to be involved in a number of positive events:
- Proud Friday: Students who complete good pieces of work during the week can bring this to the Proud Friday area, by the exam line up, to celebrate with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Points and certificates are awarded.
- Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher: Every Friday students who have been nominated by staff, will be invited to the Headteacher’s Office for hot chocolate during tutor time.
End of Term
End of term celebration assemblies and events recognise sustained effort and hard work throughout the half term. Certificates and prizes will be awarded in the assemblies. Events planned include trips, film afternoons and an awards evening.
Team Hamble
We are committed to working together will all stakeholders and recognise the hard work of our staff to provide opportunities for all students. If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’ please go to our Staff Recognition page here