Student Wellbeing & Support

Student Wellbeing & Support

Students’ health and wellbeing is of great importance at The Hamble School. Our students’ educational journey is fortified by positive relationships, the promotion of moral and social values and an engaging curriculum. This culminates in individual and collective Student Wellbeing. A sense of worth and personal identity helps empower our students to take responsibility for their actions and be involved in co-operative decision making. We realise that with the pressures of exams, deadlines and future career paths, it means that being a teenager in modern society can often be very challenging and stressful for students. We have, therefore, put a number of measures in place to ensure that our students receive the right support and guidance throughout their time with us.

We want all students to be well cared for and our Student Wellbeing and Support Team (SWS) is an integral part of the pastoral structure and deals with students who may become unwell during the school day or who are involved in accidents on the school premises.

SWS also work closely with students who have chronic medical conditions and those who are required to take regular medication during the school day. We also liaise with the families of these students.

The SWS team is underpinned by the work of the Inclusion Team, Student Welfare Officer, Attendance and Admissions Officers, Student Support Officers, Safeguarding and Behaviour Administration Assistants,  Mental Health Team and the Family Support Team. They are dedicated to the care of students and work to ensure they get the best school experience possible.

Student Wellbeing & Support

In order to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of students we offer:

  • Outstanding sports facilities that students are encouraged to use in order to take part in regular physical activity. This encourages fitness, stamina, and team working skills and is shown to combat stress. The school boasts a number of successful sports teams including, football, netball and rugby as well as highly successful sporting staff and alumni.
  • Guidance on eating nutritious food and adequate hydration.
  • Close links with a number of specialised outside agencies such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Educational Psychologists, Counsellors, the School Nursing Team and Texting system, the Community Policing Team, Mental Health Support Team and voluntary organisations to support the needs of our students.
  • A wide range of extra-curricular activities. These activities include sports clubs, art club, music clubs, STEM clubs, language clubs and homework clubs. There is also an extensive intervention and catch up programme both after school and during the school holidays comprising both open and targeted sessions where students are invited to attend.
  • Opportunities for students to take part in trips and visits across all year groups. These can either be day trips or residential trips, the aim being to provide students with opportunities outside of the normal curriculum and to enhance learning and develop additional skills.
  • A dedicated Safeguarding Team responsible for all aspects of safeguarding and child protection. The team can be easily accessed by parents, staff and students through the email address
  • Signposting for parents/carers and students to external support services.
  • Information for parents/carers and students through social media, newsletters, website and paper based information, as well as advice and information evenings.
  • A comprehensive programme of assemblies and tutor time activities covering aspects of wellbeing such as Anti-Bullying, mental health, rail and road safety, water safety, exam preparation, celebrating equality and diversity, keeping safe.
  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
  • School Counsellor twice a week.
  • Preparation for examinations covering aspects such as handling stress, revision techniques and studies are skills.
  • Student attendance at Mental Health conference.
  • Staff professional development on Mental Health and Wellbeing courses.
  • First Aid facilities.
  • Attendance monitoring and support.
  • Breakfast Club
  • Community food banks
  • Parenting courses
  • Coffee mornings
  • Inclusion facility offering behaviour support moves, mentoring, behaviour modification and support for anxiety and other issues affecting attendance.
Student Wellbeing & Support

In all of our work with students to promote their wellbeing or safeguard them, we work in close partnership with parents and carers.

If you are concerned for your child’s wellbeing whilst at home or at school, please do not hesitate to contact their tutor in the first instance.