Getting Mental Health Support (Students)

Getting Mental Health Support (Students)

Help! I need mental health support now…

If you need mental health support straight away you can access it through this link:

Please answer the questions carefully and follow the instructions.

What mental health support does the school offer?

The school can support you by making a referral to the MHST (Mental Health Schools Team), counselling or ELSA in the school, please ask your form tutor to make a referral to inclusion for you. Please note that these services cannot support with suicidal thoughts or self-harm, if you are experiencing these difficulties you can now make a referral yourself to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) at:

Or your parent / carer can make a referral to CAMHS on your behalf at:

Student Wellbeing Resources

If you would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links on our webpage…

We are always adding information about a number of free parent/carer courses or events to this section of our website.