Achieving Excellence Together
The Hamble School is a happy, thriving and vibrant learning community for students aged 11-16. Our motto ‘Achieving Excellence Together’ encapsulates our ethos of high expectations and ambition for all students. We work together in partnership with parents/carers and the local community to ensure that students are supported to achieve their very best and leave The Hamble School as ‘lifelong learners’.
I am extremely proud to lead this dynamic and forward thinking school and very much hope that our website is informative and enables you to learn more about the excellent range of educational opportunities we provide.
Miss L Cambridge, BSc (Hons), MA Ed. NPQH
House Points
House Event Points
At The Hamble School we believe in ‘Achieving Excellence Together’. We encourage every student to reach the highest levels of academic achievement and personal development, so that they are effectively prepared for life beyond secondary education.

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