Parent Forum
We value the views and opinions of our student’s parents and carers and The Hamble School Parent Forum is a genuine attempt to seek those views and opinions. It is a platform upon which to develop a stronger partnership between us that presents an opportunity for open honest and constructive dialogue. There are of course wider benefits to the Parent Forum such as connecting families, sharing concerns and informing the decision making processes at the school.
What are the aims of the Parent Forum?
To work in partnership with the school, to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents and carers. To identify and represent the views of parents and carers on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of all students. To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the students, their parents and carers as well as people in the wider community.
Who can attend the Parent Forum?
Anyone who has a child enrolled at our school and/or is involved with the welfare of their education is automatically a member of our Parents Forum. Everyone is welcome.
What happens at the Parents’ Forum?
Meetings last approximately an hour. The agenda is agreed and set by representatives of the Parent Forum and the school, this will be share in advance of the meeting. There are presentations and discussions and opportunities to ask questions and express views and opinions.
Why take part?
The school, parents and carers share a common aim to provide the very best education possible for your child, our student. Together we are stronger.