

Who is appointed as a school governor?

The governors are volunteers selected for their wide experiences, both in work and in the community. There is a governor nominated by the local education authority, two parent governors, the headteacher, a teacher and 9 co-opted governors. (Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school). To ensure pupils’ safety, all governors are checked for suitability through the Government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

What do governors do?

Governors focus on long-term strategic goals and not the day-to-day operations of the school.

The governing body has three key roles:

  • To provide a high level, strategic view of the school and how it should be developed.
  • To ensure accountability of headteacher and the senior leadership team by questioning their actions, student outcomes, student progress data and the impact of management initiatives on school life.
  • To act as a critical friend to the headteacher and senior team in supporting their role of managing the school.

Do governors come into school?

All governors spend time in school to:

  • Understand the issues faced by the staff and students at the school.
  • Understand what is working well in the school and what needs to be improved.
  • Monitor the impact of changes across the school through staff and student voice as well as observations.

How do I contact the governors?

  • Governors are usually available during key school events, such as parents evenings and open days, and are happy to discuss general issues with parents /guardians.
  • If you have a complaint about some aspects of school life you must follow the complaints procedure which is published on the school website. There are a number of steps before governors are involved in a complaint.

How do I become a governor?

  • If you would like to apply to become a governor, you may do so through the Hampshire County Council (HCC) website or directly to the school by completing a Hampshire County Council governor application form – Download (PDF)
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please do so by emailing Mrs D Kaye, Clerk to the Governors (see page 3 of our Contact Directory) – here
Governors Vision Statement

Our vision is for The Hamble School to be the consistently high performing, local school of choice, with wide-ranging opportunities for all. We commit to:

  • Providing a safe, consistently challenging and stimulating learning environment that engages and develops all our students.
  • Valuing every individual student in our community and taking the opportunity to celebrate their successes.
  • Enabling our students to develop the moral values, confidence and resilience to make a difference at Hamble and beyond.
  • Recruiting, developing and retaining inspirational staff of the highest calibre, who through their continuous drive for improvement and innovation, create an enriching and supportive learning community.

By striving for excellence in all that we do, we ‘Achieve Excellence Together’.

Hannah Craggs
Chair of The Hamble School Governing Body

Hannah Craggs – Chair of Governors

Hannah CraggsAs Chair of Governors, I am pleased to commit to planning and supporting the continuing improvement of The Hamble School, and to building positive relationships with all members of the school community.

I live locally, having spent my teenage years in the area (leaving The Hamble School in 2000) and recently returning with my family. I have 3 children who will move through the school over the next few years.

Through my work with preschool management committees, primary governing board and as a director on the board of a cooperative trust which includes 3 senior and 4 primary schools in Southampton over the last 10 years, I have built up a solid understanding of the roles and responsibilities of governors.

I am a musician and have successfully supported pupils in creating dance performances, seeing a small primary make it through to regional finals against strong competition.

I believe in the importance of ensuring that all pupils, no matter what their background or natural ability, have an opportunity to be successful, and deserve access to a broad and inclusive education. I would like to be a part of the community that works together to continually improve the provision of this for our children.

Jo Anderson – Co-Opted
Name Jo Anderson
Category of governor Co-opted
Linked whole school objective A broad and balanced curriculum delivered through high quality adaptive teaching which creates a love of learning.
Link role(s) Training Governor
Committee membership Learning and Achievement Committee
Term of office 2024-2028
Work I am currently self employed as an Education Consultant, specialising in professional development, curriculum, quality assurance and external moderation of Initial Teacher Training and Early Career provision.
Governance experience I was a Governor at Hamble Primary School from 2022-2006. I am currently a NASBTT (National Association for School Based Teacher Trainers) Trustee.
Hobbies and interests

My education background is in modern languages. This continues to be an interest of mine.

I am a keen traveller, cook and reader. Ultimately, I love spending time with my friends and family.

Links to the school/area My now grown-up children were pupils of the Hamble School. I have taught in local schools, and ran a PGCE teacher training provision for 12 years, affording me opportunities to build relationships with local schools, their contexts and leadership teams.
Why did you become a governor? As a local resident of 20 years, I wish to give back to the local community and support the drive for school improvement. Schools and education communities are currently facing increasing challenges of budget cuts, and increasing workload. The role of the school Governor is a vital one, in that the team supports and challenges the leadership team in the best interests of their pupils, staff and wider community.
Jemma Dudgeon – Co-opted Governor

Jemma DudgeonI am an experienced teacher and leader with over 20 years teaching experience. I have taught in a range of schools – maintained, academies and federation schools – in both mainstream and specialist education. I have worked in schools in London boroughs; Hampshire; Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole; Reading; and Southampton.

I believe passionately about inclusion and supporting individuals to achieve their full potential. I have been the key note speaker at Pupil Premium Conferences and been part of the leadership team that received recognition from the DfE for use of pupil premium funding to accelerate progress. I worked at a school that had the most improved results in London and a School of the Year Finalist with the TES Awards.

I studied at the University of Southampton before returning to London to complete my PGCE. I have completed my NPQH for headship and have been a Headteacher in a mainstream primary school and all-through specialist school for autistic pupils.

I am the link governor for SEND.

Mary-Anne Gaskin – Staff Governor

Staff Governor

Jamie Holden – Parent Governor

Jamie HoldenI have been in service delivery and commercial management of major corporates for over 25 years, ensuring the highest of standards across industries such as retail, healthcare, law, and insurance. Recently I have started a new career as a paralegal, and am currently working my way through an apprenticeship to become a solicitor.

I am father to two amazing young ladies, and a husband to the most patient and beautiful person I have ever met. I love all sports, playing and watching them, though it is fair to say I am a long way off achieving anything resembling an athletic build. In my downtime I enjoy going to the gym, walking the dog, and most importantly, socialising with friends and family.

Chris Kaye – Co-opted Governor

Chris KayeI have spent my career helping businesses to benefit from technology and I am now keen to bring that experience to the education sector, to help schools deliver better learning experiences for students in the classroom and online, and to support the development of the next generation of individuals who want a career in the technology sector, in which there is already a huge skills shortage.

I have worked with and been a part of large corporate bodies and I intend to use that experience to support the governance of the Hamble School to ensure we create a learning environment that is ready for the challenges of the future and one which provides the safest and best all-round experience for every student, staff member and the wider community that supports and benefits from the school.

I am married with two children and live local to Hamble.  I am a keen cyclist and have explored on bike much of the great countryside in Hampshire and the surrounding counties.

John Linford – Local Authority Governor

John LinfordI am originally from Ellesmere Port near Chester and moved to Southampton in 2000, to study at Solent University, where I gained a BA Hons degree in Social and Community Studies. I have lived in Bursledon for the past eight years.

I am currently an Education, Training and Employment Manager in the probation service, covering Kent, Surrey and Sussex. I have over twenty years experience of working on government contracts including eight years working for the English Football League Trust on the National Citizen Service project for 15-17 year olds.

Lucy Pritchard – Parent Governor

Parent GovernorAs a senior nurse leader with over 24 years of NHS service, I lead on quality and service development as well as supporting the education and career progression of a large team of nurses and allied team members. Using a hands-on approach, I am committed to driving improvements and innovations in care delivery.

Passionate about inequalities and equitable access to healthcare and education for all, I hope to utilise my transferable skills whilst serving as a parent governor, contributing positively to a team striving for continued and sustained improvement.

I have lived locally for 18 years, first in Hamble and more recently in Bursledon, where I live with my husband, our two daughters who attend the school, and our family pets.

Mike Serridge – Co-opted Governor

Mike SerridgeBuilding on 35 years of experience in education, I am passionate about leadership development in schools and the wider education system. I have gained invaluable knowledge and skills in effectively leading and managing educational institutions. I was delighted to have been nominated this year for a Hampshire Education Award 2023 for the category ‘Outstanding Contribution to Education in Hampshire.’ – following a 12-year tenure as Headteacher of Harrow Way Community School.

I am a qualified Ofsted inspector and designated specialist leader of education (SLE), having worked previously as a data consultant for the SSAT. In the last few years, I have worked as an LLP (Leadership and Learning Partner) with the local authority and have been a mentor for new Headteachers in Hampshire.

Alison Smith – Co-opted Governor

Alison SmithI have 25 + years’ experience working in operations and logistical management within the Sailing industry, both UK and internationally. I have raced around the world as Bowman on the 67-foot yacht InterSpray in the British Steel Challenge, and I am a commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster Offshore sailor and experienced RIB Skipper.

I have previously worked for international yachtsmen including Sir Chay Blyth, Sir Robin Knox- Johnston, Mike Golding and Tracy Edwards. I have been involved in many international yacht races including the Vendee Globe, Transat Jaques-Vabre, Route du Rhum, OSTAR, Around Alone, Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, BT Global Challenge, Middle Sea, Caribbean 600 and the Rolex Fastnet Race. I was also Project Manager of the inaugural Atlantic Rowing Race from the Canaries to Barbados. I am the founder of one of UK’s most successful sailing and racing schools, Sailing Logic, which I ran for 13 years from Hamble.

I have a BA Hons degree is Sports Management. I also volunteer with the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) as a Safety Inspector, checking the safety of racing yachts prior to international and cross-channel races.

I am passionate about encouraging women in sailing and I am a mentor and organising partner at the Magenta Project, a charitable organisation that helps develop pathways and opportunities for women in performance sailing.  I am also a trustee of the Scaramouche Sailing Trust, which helps create life-changing opportunities for young people from state schools, bringing new talent from diverse backgrounds into sailing and the marine industry.

Chris Tickner – Vice Chair of Governors

Chris TicknerI am a retired IBM Development Program Manager, and have 20 years’ experience as a Justice of the Peace in Southampton.

I have been on the Board of Governors at Hamble for over 25 years. I am currently Joint Vice Chair of the Governing Body and I chair the Behaviour Committee.

I have actively worked to develop the school site as a hub for the community on the peninsular. During my time as Chair of Governors, I oversaw the development of the Sports Facilities, namely the Sports Centre and attached state of the art Gymnasium. With the addition of Hamble Early Years more recently, I believe it is important to continue to develop the facilities and the opportunities the site provides for the community.

Pecuniary Interests Register 2024-2025

Jo AndersonCo-opted24-09-2024None declaredBournemouth Bay TT Partnership, Christchurch
Involved in Initial Teacher Training, ECT training, Mentoring, and Leadership Coaching
None declared01-10-2024
Louisa CambridgeHeadteacher17-04-2023HeadteacherNone declaredNone declared11-09-2024
Hannah CraggsCo-opted28-07-2022ParentGovernor at Bitterne Manor Primary School
Trustee for Reach Cooperative Trust
None declared05-09-2024
Jemma DudgeonCo-opted22-09-2023None declaredEmployee at Liberty Academy TrustMarried to Senior SENCO24-09-2024
Mary-Anne GaskinStaff01-09-2024Teacher at the schoolNone declaredNone declared08-09-2024
Jamie HoldenParent23-01-2023ParentNone declaredNone declared04-09-2024
Paul IsaacsCo-optedLEFT 07-07-2024None declaredNone declaredNone declared01-10-2023
Chris KayeCo-opted26-11-2023None declaredNone declaredSpouse - clerk01-10-2024
John LinfordLocal Authority08-06-2023None declaredNone declaredNone declared05-09-2024
Linda PhillipsCo-optedLEFT 21-05-2024None declaredNone declaredNone declared13-11-2023
Mike SerridgeCo-opted06-11-2023None declaredOfsted InspectorNone declared11-09-2024
Alison SmithCo-opted11-02-2024None declaredNone declaredNone declared30-09-2024
Chris TicknerCo-opted15-05-2023None declaredNone declaredNone declared05-09-2024
Sam TurnerStaffLEFT 31-07-2024Teacher at the schoolNone declaredNone declared04-10-2023