Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview

NEW Curriculum Evening Booklets 2024-25

Year 7 Curriculum Evening Booklet – Download (PDF)
Year 8 Curriculum Evening Booklet – Download (PDF)
Year 9 Curriculum Evening Booklet – Download (PDF)
Year 10 Curriculum Evening Booklet – Download (PDF)
Year 11 Curriculum Evening Booklet – Download (PDF)

At The Hamble School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that enables students to reach their potential. A progressive 5 year curriculum allows students of all abilities to make good progress and to achieve excellence.


The links below lead to information about our curriculum structure for each year group. These curricula have been updated for the year 2024-2025 and are always under review so we can adjust them to meet the needs of the cohort and any changes to qualifications.

Key Stage 3

Year 7 Curriculum – 2024-2025

The Year 7 curriculum is designed to suit the developing needs of Year 7 and to enhance and develop each individual further to reach their potential. It is important to recognise that Year 7 will be assessed throughout the year and that their curriculum may be adapted based on individual needs.

Students are divided into two bands and have approximately 120 students in each.

Numbers of lessons for each subject are based on a two week timetable. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Subject Number of lessons   Subject Number of lessons
English 7   French or Spanish 4
Maths 7   Geography 3
Science 7   History 4
PE 3   RE 1
Technology (*) 3   ICT 2
Art 3   PSHCE 1
Drama 3   Music 2

*Each student studies a variety of Technology subjects in the form of projects in a ‘carousel’. Some of the subjects covered are Food, Graphic Products, Product Design, Resistant Materials and Textiles, taught by specialist teachers.


In Year 7, for the majority of subjects, students are taught in Tutor Groups with the exception of Technology for Health and safety reasons. From October half term, students are placed in sets for Maths and students choose to specialise in Spanish or French in MFL.

Year 8 Curriculum – 2024-2025

The Year 8 curriculum is designed to suit the developing needs of Year 8 and to enhance and develop each individual further. It is important to recognise that Year 8 will be assessed throughout the year and that their curriculum may be adapted based on individual needs.

Students are divided into three bands and have approximately 80 students in each.

Numbers of lessons for each subject are based on a two week timetable. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Subject Number of lessons   Subject Number of lessons
English 7   French or Spanish 4
Maths 7   Geography 4
Science 7   History 3
PE 3   RE 2
Technology (*) 3   ICT 2
Art 2   PSHCE 1
Drama 2   Music 2
Dance 1      

*Each student studies a variety of Technology subjects in the form of projects in a ‘carousel’. Some of the subjects covered are Food, Graphic Products, Product Design, Resistant Materials and Textiles, taught by specialist teachers.


Students are taught in mixed ability groups with the exception of Maths where they are set according to ability.

Year 9 Curriculum – 2024-2025

The Year 9 curriculum is designed to allow students to continue to study a broad a balanced curriculum but with an element of choice. Students choose to study 6 foundation subjects in Year 9. This gives them an experience of the subjects before choosing their final 4 for GSCE. It is important to recognise that Year 9 will be assessed throughout the year and that their curriculum may be changed based on individual needs.

Numbers of lessons for each subject are based on a two week timetable. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Subject Number of lessons Subject Number of lessons
English 7 Option subject U 4
Maths 8 Option subject V 4
Science 7 Option subject W 4
PE 3 Option subject X 4
PSHCRE 1 Option subject Y 4
    Option subject Z 4


Students are placed in sets based on prior attainment and internal assessments in Maths and Science. All other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups, although some groups can be broadly set if there is more than one class on at the same time. Emphasis is put on giving students the options they want rather than grouping students of similar ability together.

Grouping and setting can change throughout the year and will be based on classwork, homework and formal assessments.

Key Stage 4

Year 10 Curriculum – 2024-2025

For Year 10 the curriculum is designed to enhance and develop each individual further to reach their potential. It is important to recognise that students will be assessed throughout the year and that good attendance is vital for them to succeed in all the courses they take.

Students are split into two bands in Year 10 for English, Maths, Science, PSHCRE and PE. The two bands have approximately 120 students in each band. There is a lot of consultation with all subjects involved to make sure all students are placed in a class that is appropriate for them.

Numbers of lessons for each subject are based on a two week timetable. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Subject Number of lessons Subject Number of lessons
English 9 Option subject W 5
Maths 8 Option subject X 5
Science 9 Option subject Y 5
PE 3 Option subject Z 5
PSHCRE 1    


Students are placed in sets based on prior attainment (from Years. 7, 8 and 9) and internal assessments for, Maths and Science. Grouping takes place in PE to ensure all students make good progress. For English and PSHCRE students are placed in mixed ability groups.

Option subjects are usually taught in mixed ability groups, although some groups can be broadly set if there is more than one class on at the same time. Emphasis is put on giving students the options they want rather than grouping students of similar ability together.

Grouping and setting can change throughout the year and will be based on classwork, homework and formal assessments.

Year 11 Curriculum – 2024-2025

For Year 11 the curriculum is designed to enhance and develop each individual further to reach their potential. It is important to recognise that students will be assessed throughout the year and that good attendance is vital for them to succeed in all the courses they take.

Students are split into two bands in Year 11 for English, Maths, Science, PSHCRE and PE. The two bands have approximately 120 students in each band. There is a lot of consultation with all subjects involved to make sure all students are placed in a class that is appropriate for them.

Numbers of lessons for each subject are based on a two week timetable. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Subject Number of lessons Subject Number of lessons
English 9 Option subject 5
Maths 9 Option subject 5
Science 8 Option subject 5
PE 3 Option subject 5
PSHCRE 1    


Students are placed in sets based on prior attainment (from Years. 7, 8, 9 and 10) and internal assessments for Maths and Science. Grouping takes place in PE to ensure all students make good progress. For English and PSHCRE students are placed in mixed ability groups.

Option subjects are usually taught in mixed ability groups, although some groups can be broadly set if there is more than one class on at the same time. Emphasis is put on giving students the options they want rather than grouping students of similar ability together.

Grouping and setting can change throughout the year and will be based on classwork, homework and formal assessments.

Whole School Intent

The mission of The Hamble School is ‘Achieving Excellence Together’. We encourage each and every child to reach the highest levels of achievement and personal development. To achieve this, students follow a follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout their five years at the school, preparing themselves for the next phase of their lives and beyond.

At The Hamble School, we believe the Curriculum should have:

  • Depth and breadth
  • A clear sense of what we want students to know
  • Progression and sequence
  • Ambition and challenge, with support so that all students can access it.
  • Clear purpose of assessment
  • Character development embedded throughout, building confidence, resilience and ambition
  • A simple framework understood by all stakeholders – teachers, students and parents
  • Regular review and evaluation
  • Opportunities outside of the classroom that enhance and develop students’ learning and understanding
  • Opportunities planned in for students to work both collaboratively and independently
  • Opportunities carefully planned in to prepare students for life in modern Britain, promoting fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and respect for those with different faiths and beliefs
  • Clear Leadership

Department Intents & Curriculum Overviews

The whole school vision and intent for curriculum runs through all subjects. However, it is important to recognise that each subject will also have their own principles that shape the students experiences of the curriculum. Below you will find the subject specific curriculum intent for each subject. Also available are the curriculum overviews for each subject in every Year group. At the Hamble school we believe in a 5 year progressive and cohesive curriculum that builds and deepens students knowledge and understanding. The curriculum overviews give you an indication of the topics being studied at each stage.

Click the boxes below to open the content…

Art & Photography
  • To be able to creatively express ideas and experiences.
  • To analyse and select appropriately the work of different artists and from different cultures and make connections to their own work.
  • To be able to experiment with a range of media, techniques and processes relevant to intentions.
  • To be able to organise and develop ideas relevant to given theme and own intentions.
  • To be able to produce skilful final outcomes.

The curriculum is planned to develop the key skills, knowledge and techniques to make the necessary progress towards KS4 where skill sets will be refined and presented to a high standard.

Curriculum Overview
Art & Photography – Download (PDF)

Business Studies
  • Encourage students to develop an understanding of the wider world and current affairs, and the impacts that we have upon each other.
  • Equip students with the skills to understand and analyse the world they live in, understanding how society and associated businesses develop over time, and the causes behind these developments and changes.
  • Enable students to understand real world application of mathematics in terms of business finances, employment and rewards.
  • Encourage students to become aware of their legal and employment rights to equip them for future employment and adult lives.
  • To give students the opportunity to practically develop their Business skills through project-based learning and use of case study material.

Curriculum Overview
Business Studies – Download (PDF)

Computer Science
  • Provide students with an inclusive, modern, and challenging curriculum that evolves as technology changes.
  • To give students practical based lessons to focus on developing a range of computer-based skills.
  • To give students the skills and confidence required to become successful digital learners and to develop digital literacy.

Curriculum Overview
Computer Science – Download (PDF)


The Dance curriculum aims to:

  • Our Dance curriculum for Key Stages 3 and 4 is designed to ignite students’ passion for dance, nurture their creativity, and develop their technical and expressive abilities. Our intent is to provide a comprehensive and enriching dance education that equips students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to succeed in the AQA GCSE Dance course. Through this journey, we aim to foster a lifelong appreciation for dance and the performing arts.

Curriculum Overview
Dance – Download (PDF)

Design Technology

The Design Technology curriculum allows students to:

  • Develop the skills required to participate in the rapidly changing world that we live in.
  • To solve problems that may involve people, products, communities and business with innovate solutions.
  • Develop a critical understanding of the impact design technology has on our daily life and as well as the wider world.

Curriculum Overview
Design Technology – Download (PDF)


The Drama curriculum aims to:

  • Provide a place for students to hone physical and vocal talents to produce high quality individual and group performances.
  • Develop students’ critical and analytical skills, to unlock the secret ‘language’ of the stage through a range of theatre maker roles.
  • Provide students with immersive cultural experiences beyond the classroom.

Curriculum Overview
Drama – Download (PDF)


Our curriculum aims to:

  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them make sense of the world around them.
  • Allow students to explore universal and timeless themes that transcend the boundaries of time through the study of engaging and challenging texts.
  • Support students in acquiring a control over language, both written and spoken that will allow them to successfully communicate in their future endeavors.

Curriculum Overview
English – Download (PDF)

English Curriculum Road Map
English Curriculum Road Map – Download (PDF)


Our Geography Curriculum intends to:

  • Inspire students to develop curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
  • Equip students with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.
  • To deepen the understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes and the formation and use landscapes and environments.
  • Give students the geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
  • To provide students with the opportunities to learn collaboratively and independently both inside and outside the classroom, to enhance students’ learning and curiosity of the world around them.

Curriculum Overview
Geography – Download (PDF)

  • Inspire students to be curious about the past and develop a deep interest in our varied history.
  • Provide opportunities to ask questions and create an environment for debate and discussion about historical events.
  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of diverse people and places throughout history.
  • Enable students to successfully apply key historical skills in order to analyse significant events and people in our past.

Curriculum Overview
History – Download (PDF)


Purpose of study

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.


The Hamble School mathematics curriculum shares its aims with the National Curriculum, to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programme of study for key stage 4 is organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should develop and consolidate connections across mathematical ideas. They should build on learning from key stage 3 to further develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge wherever relevant in other subjects and in financial contexts.

The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programme of study at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.

Curriculum Overview
Mathematics – Download (PDF)

Media Studies
  • To instill a passion for media studies across all year groups (9-11) through both theoretical and practical studies.
  • To prepare students to take media further in their higher education.
  • To encourage students to use media skills in extra curricular clubs and school wide events and competitions to enhance their understanding of the wider world.

Curriculum Overview
Media Studies – Download (PDF)


The MFL department aim to provide a curriculum which provides students with the opportunity to:

  • Develop a love of and curiosity for foreign languages, developing both the breadth and depth of their knowledge which will enable them to both understand and communicate effectively with someone from a different linguistic background.
  • Be able to step beyond their own familiar cultural boundaries and appreciate the diversity, customs and traditions of others.

Curriculum Overview
MFL – Download (PDF)


In Music, the curriculum allows students to:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
  • Create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (keyboard), and learn to use technology appropriately.
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

Curriculum Overview
Music – Download (PDF)

Music Development Plan
Music Development Plan – Download (PDF)

Physical Education

PE Department: “Experience, Engage and Enjoy”

An engaging and supportive environment that provides opportunities for all students and staff to develop to their full potential and maintains a passion for lifelong physical activity.

A safe and secure physical environment

Achieved through high quality teaching & learning, high expectations, teamwork, commitment, enthusiasm and creativity.

Core PE

A safe and secure physical environment that develops the whole person, through 4 ME’s:

  • Social
  • Thinking
  • Mindset
  • Physical


Develop knowledge, understanding, skills and values required to enhance and maintain performance in physical activities.

Gain understanding of how physical activities impact the human body and mind.

GCSE Dance

Develop knowledge, understanding, skills and values required in dance performance, chorography and dance appreciation.

Vocational Pathway for Sport

A pathway that feeds individuals curiosity through exploring the specialism, developing knowledge and applying to the chosen context.

(click the image for a larger view)

Physical Education at The Hamble School

Curriculum Overview
Physical Education – Download (PDF)


Our curriculum is intended to:

  • equip students to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives through core themes of ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Living in the Wider World’ and ‘Sex and Relationships’.
  • provide and academic PSHCRE curriculum that provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore a range of complex and at times conflicting values and attitudes that they will encounter now and in the future.
  • promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • equip all students with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and be able to communicate when they do not feel safe.
  • provide expert independent, up-to-date careers guidance that gives our students the best information and opportunities available and helps them progress into further education, training and employment.

Curriculum Overview
PSHCRE – Download (PDF)

Religious Education
  • To ensure students begin to see the world from more than one point of view and have a greater appreciation for other cultures, allowing them to dive deeper into ethical and philosophical debates.
  • To show tolerance and patience for views different to their own, whether this is in religion, culture or more serious topics that can occur in adulthood. Students will have the ability to partake in serious topics and be able to assess all points of views in order to create a balanced argument and acknowledge the thoughts of others.
  • To be able to express their views verbally in a justified conclusion of ideas.Students will learn debating skills that will assist them later in life and help them become a well-rounded member of society.

Curriculum Overview
Religious Education – Download (PDF)

  • We intend for all our students to develop an extensive and connected knowledge base to become more expert in the sciences.
  • We want all our students to leave the school scientifically literate and have the cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
  • We aim for our students to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to study science to a higher level.
  • We also aim to encourage a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and a love of the sciences.
  • We want our students to learn:
    • how the world around us works
    • the science behind everyday activities
    • how to form balanced judgements
    • the impact of human activity on the planet
    • how to apply their learning to new situations
    • to develop problem solving skills

Curriculum Overview
Science – Download (PDF)

How is our curriculum approach accessible for all?

  • The Hamble School is fully inclusive. All staff have a part to play in ensuring that students with SEND are not disadvantaged in their access to learning.
  • High quality inclusive teaching strategies used within mainstream lessons is the most important factor in helping students with SEND make good progress.
  • Targeted LSA support is available in some lessons to support students with a high level of need (e.g. EHCP) to become independent learners. Students on the SEND register will always remain the responsibility of the classroom teacher, regardless of need.
  • There are specialised Literacy and Maths intervention assistants. Extra support for students not making progress in these areas is determined by the Curriculum Leader for English and the Curriculum Leader for Maths.
  • Students are regularly assessed to ensure that interventions meet the individual needs of the student.
  • Students with a disability are supported in their access to the curriculum through adapted equipment (such as adapted PE equipment, rise and fall tables), bespoke timetable to ensure that they are able to access ground-floor classrooms (with the exception of ICT lessons) or access first floor maths lessons via the lift in the skills centre.
  • There are accessible changing rooms within the school for students with disability to allow them to change for PE and for medical reasons.
  • The Relationship and Sex Education (as part of PSHCRE) curriculum at The Hamble School ensures that resources in lessons show diversity in terms of race, sexuality, weight, gender and disability and aims to ensure that all students feel represented by the content.