At The Hamble School, we believe homework makes a significant difference to learning and individual student attainment. It is often those who have highly developed independent learning skills from completing homework that make the best progress and are successful in examinations. In addition, the independent learning skills, resilience and organisation skills developed from completing homework are essential to success in post-16 and post-18 education.
At KS3, homework is designed to build upon and broaden our students’ understanding of the topics they are studying for each subject’s curriculum.
At KS4, homework serves multiple functions. Feedforward homework asks students to research an area in preparation for it being covered in class. Revision homework allows students to revisit past topics (often in an interleaving style) and some homework intent mirrors KS3 to further broaden a student’s understanding.
How is homework set?
In order to communicate homework tasks and expectations efficiently, we use our online homework calendar Class Charts. This ensures that we minimise the time taken to record homework in lessons and that all resources are readily available. It also means that parents can monitor the homework setting and assist their children with organisation and with the tasks, if required. Homework is set by the individual subject teachers.
To support students to access and successfully complete homework tasks, each homework post will contain the following information:
- Topic, title and objective(s)
- A brief description of how the homework links to lessons
- A description of the activity
- How much time should be spent
- How to request/ access support
- How to submit the homework
- How feedback will be given in class
How often is homework set?
At KS3, students are usually set half an hour of homework per subject, per week. There are exceptions. PE does not set homework at KS3 (due to sports clubs) and subjects that see students once over two weeks will set half an hour of homework over two weeks. For all other subjects, homework although set weekly, may not be collected weekly as it may be part of a longer project or due to the fact that some subjects see a group multiple times in one week and not in the other. Students will usually be given a week to complete homework (excluding the above exceptions).
At KS4 it is the same as KS3, although students are set one hour of homework per subject (excluding PSHCRE), per week and for all examination subjects this can be weekly.
How is homework submitted?
Class teachers will communicate within the Class Charts post how each piece of homework is to be submitted.
How can my child request support with homework?
The best way to request support is to speak to your teacher in person about the task. If this is not possible, students should send their teacher a message on Class Charts at least 4 school days before the due date. This is to allow enough time for you teacher to respond and for you to put the feedback into action.
How can my child get the most out of homework?
To do their very best, our advice to students is:
- Check Class Charts daily and remember that there is an app for your phone or tablet which may also help.
- Wait until you have handed in the homework before marking it as complete on Class Charts.
- Read the task carefully to check you have understood.
- Attempt homework well in advance of the deadline so that you can ask for help if required.
- Ask your teacher what you need to do in order to achieve your best.
- Produce work of a high quality – all the time.
- Extend your interests by reading widely around the topics.