Ready, Respectful, Safe

Ready, Respectful, Safe

It starts with you

At The Hamble School ‘We Care, Aim High and Learn and Achieve Together’. This means treating others and the environment with respect, always being ready to learn and ensuring that everyone is kept safe. It is your responsibility as students to follow the school rules, which are outlined below:

  • Attend school and all lessons regularly and on time.
  • Wear the correct school uniform and bringing the equipment needed for each day.
  • Engage positively with learning.
  • Behaving with care, courtesy, consideration and respect for others at all times.
  • Respecting personal and school property.
  • Being proud of achievements of themselves and others.
  • Following instructions from staff, first time to avoid escalation.
  • Not leaving lessons without permission.
  • Not causing harm (physically or emotionally) through their actions.

Your teachers, the support staff and your parents/ carers will help you make the right decisions but if you are to be successful in life you must take responsibility for your own behaviour.

Behaviour Policy – Download (PDF)

The Home-School Agreement is available here – Download (PDF)