Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24

This statement details our school’s use of Pupil Premium funding to help improve the attainment of our pupil premium students.

It outlines our Pupil Premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of Pupil Premium had within our school.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 – Download (PDF)

Use of the Pupil Premium Funding Strategy Statement 2023-2024 (statutory information) – Download (PDF)

School overview

Detail Data
School name The Hamble School
Number of students in school 1173
Proportion (%) of Pupil Premium eligible students 267 (23%)
Academic year/years that our current Pupil Premium strategy plan covers

2022/2023 to 2025/2026

Date this statement was published December 2023
Date on which it will be reviewed July 2024
Statement authorised by

Miss L Cambridge

Pupil Premium lead

Mr R James
Associate Assistant Headteacher

Governor / Trustee lead Chris Tickner

Funding overview



Pupil Premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil Premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year


Part A: Pupil Premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our school ethos is based on ‘Achieving Excellence Together’: We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together.

All students have high-quality education through whole-school strategies that benefit all students. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will help support students regardless of their starting point.

The vision:

  • Work with teachers, parents/ carers and governors to ensure students make expected or more than expected progress through high quality teaching and learning
  • Support pupil premium students, including high and low attainers, to make good progress
  • Students have personalised intervention to ensure socio-economic status is not a barrier to success
  • The profile of Pupil Premium students is high amongst staff members, that students are seen and known and feel seen and known
  • Rigorous tracking of Pupil Premium data to analyse gaps and implement interventions and support
  • To provide the opportunity for students to have full access to the curriculum, extra-curricular and enrichment programmes

Our strategy is integral to wider school plans for educational recovery and school improvement. In order to ensure The Hamble School has a sharp focus on the attainment and progress of Pupil Premium students, a member of the Leadership Team (LT) has the responsibility for leading the strategies and managing the provision for this group of students. This is underpinned by an ethos of collective responsibility across all staff for the progress and attainment of pupil premium students.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our pupil premium students.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Attendance to school – Our attendance data over the last 3 years indicates that attendance among pupil premium students has been consistently lower than for non-disadvantaged students.

Pupil premium students have been more likely to be ‘persistently absent’ compared to their peers during that period.

Our assessments and observations indicate that absenteeism is negatively impacting pupil premium students’ progress.


Mental Health support – Our data suggests that following school closure there has been a significant increase in demand for mental health support and support for families relating to external providers. The support required is more complex than previously.

The rise in support for student’s mental health is a national trend and has been highlighted in several national studies.


Teaching and learning – Many of our pupil premium students lack strategies when faced with challenging tasks and find it hard to use assessment and feedback effectively to improve their learning. This is a whole-school priority focusing on inclusive adaptive teaching strategies to meet these needs, reteaching and reshaping, to help students achieve their potential.


Behaviour – Our tracking data from 2022-2023 shows that pupil premium students are twice as likely to receive detention, be placed in internal isolation or receive a fixed term suspension.

The behaviour in school is having a negative effect on outcomes for these students.


Reading and vocabulary – Assessments, observations and discussion with KS3 students indicate that pupil premium students generally have lower levels of comprehension and a significant vocabulary gap when compared to non-pupil premium students. than peers. This impacts their progress in all subjects.

On entry to Year 7 in the last 3 years (Years 9,10,11), Pupil premium students are more likely to arrive below age-related expectations compared to their non-pupil premium peers.


Cost of Living Crisis – Pupil premium families face unprecedented financial challenges during the current economic situation. There is therefore an increased risk that students could feel marginalised and removed from the school community. This in turn could lead to poor attendance and lower academic outcomes.


This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
Increase in attendance for all students, with a specific focus on persistently absent students.

Sustained high attendance from 2025/26 demonstrated by: the overall absence rate for all students being no more than 6%, and the attendance gap between pupil premium students and their non-pupil premium peers being reduced by at least 0.5%.

The percentage of all students who are persistently absent being below 12% and the figure among pupil premium students being no more than 8% higher than their peers.

Increase in mental health provision within school and positive relationships with external providers.


To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all students, including those who are disadvantaged.

Students are able have appointments with the relevant person within the school; MHFA, ELSA, counselling within two weeks from referral. In addition, the new Mental Health Support

Team, on site, offer level 2 support, beyond what we have traditionally been able to offer within school. Overall, this means we will be able to increase our capacity to support students through ELSA, mental health first aid and counselling, therefore sustaining high levels of wellbeing from 2025/26 demonstrated by:

·         qualitative data from student voice, student and parent surveys and teacher observations

·         An increase in participation in enrichment activities, particularly among pupil premium students

·         key staff CPD development on site to support students linked with signposting students to support offsite

To improve teaching and learning strategies across the school, focused on inclusive adaptive teaching. Teacher report and class observations (Class Learning Reviews/ Learning Walks) suggest pupil premium students are more able to monitor and regulate their own learning. Evidence in book looks, learning walks and from student voice demonstrates that students are receiving high quality teaching and feedback and therefore responding more effectively to be able to monitor their own learning. By the end of the current plan 2025/2026 there will not be a significant gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium students for outcomes in core subjects. Significant measure will be less than the Hampshire average.
Improve behaviour in school including within lessons and during unstructured time. Sustained high levels of positive behaviour across the school. There is an improvement in behaviour for all students but specifically pupil premium and vulnerable students. There is a reduction in the number of suspensions, internal isolations and detentions for all students and the gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium students is closing year on year. There is an increase in the number of positive behaviour points across the school, but in particular for pupil premium students.
Reading and vocabulary – Improved reading comprehension and vocabulary among premium students across KS3. There is an improvement via reading comprehension tests (Accelerated Reader) among pupil premium students. The gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium students related to the reading scores closes year on year. The improvement in vocabulary is monitored in book looks, impact reports and via assessment outcomes.
Students from pupil premium families feel fully supported, included and integrated within the school community. Students are ‘poverty proofed’ whilst in school. Students report through surveys that they don’t feel or experience any unintentional stigma or discrimination and play a proportionate and active role in the wider life of school, including trips and extra-curricular activities.

This details how we intend to spend our student premium this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £150000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

High quality inclusive teaching. Clear whole school teaching and learning focus based on Rosenshein’s principles. Examples include; total recall, low stakes testing.










High-quality teaching and learning based on inlusive adaptive teaching and learning strategies, which will continue to be embedded in the whole-school teaching and learning strategy, to support reducing gaps in knowledge and understanding and to ensure that students are making good or better progress within lessons. Some of the strategies are below and have been formulated via research based on the Rosenshine’s principles.





Data usage to further Support the forensic Analysis of data

Web-based software that enables us to analyse our performance data to ensure that we can target interventions appropriately. Individual dashboards are used to analyse key groups. Calibrated tracking of vulnerable students to include student progress, attendance, participation and behaviour. Based on this data, timely bespoke intervention for targeted students.


High quality CPD to address key areas for development with staff.











CPD on mental health including: mental health support for students related to difficult conversations with students; discrimination behaviour and equality; mental health linked to

early identification and follow up.

High-quality inclusive teaching and learning CPD on whole school teaching priorities to address progress and closing the gap.

https://www.sec-ed.co.uk/best- practice/student-premium-using-cpd- to-narrow-the-gaps/


https://www.wcpp.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/2018/04/PPIW- Report-The-Role-of-CPD-in-Closing- the-Attainment-Gap-REVISED- docx.pdf


Clear evidence suggests that mental health is a key issue with young people especially after lockdown.

Key finding from Mind (July 2021) suggests:

·         People who struggled before now struggle more

·         Young people are finding it hard to cope

·         Coronavirus has heightened inequality

·         People urgently need more support



















Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £150000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

In school use of targeted small-group tuition to support students. Interventions to include booster sessions at weekends for PP students, tutor intervention groups, afterschool intervention and targeted intervention in both English and Maths in school time. Year 11 PP specific one to one academic mentoring programme. 



The Education Endowment Foundation research suggests that small-group tuition has an average impact of 4 months additional progress over a year. The intervention has more of an impact when targeted at specific needs.




Programmes that extend the school day have a positive impact. Mentoring, Before and after school programmes with a clear structure, a strong link to the curriculum, and well-qualified and well-trained staff are more clearly linked to academic benefits than other types of extended hours provision.




Implement a Tutor Reading Programme to increase reading comprehension across the school with specific support given to pupil premium / vulnerable students.


Accelerated Reader used in conjunction with the tutor reading to support the reading comprehension strategy.

Reading comprehension strategies can have a positive impact on

students’ ability to understand a text, and this is particularly the case when interventions are delivered over a shorter time span.




This is a reading programme that we use for our younger students. It is used to encourage reading and develop reading and comprehension skills. Reading programmes were identified by the EEF as having a significant impact on developing students’ literacy skills.


Reading comprehension strategies | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF



















Use of online technology to support students learning in an alternative format. Such as Mathswatch, GCSE Pod and PiXL app.

These resources help students to be more independent intervention software can provide them with flexibility in both how and where they revise and complete work. The resources are also used to facilitate mentoring and small group teaching.


Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £50000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Staff will get training and release time to develop and implement new procedures.

Attendance Officer in post, appointed to improve attendance (part funded).

Rewards, recognition and incentives to improve attendance.

The DfE guidance has been informed by engagement with schools that have significantly reduced persistent absence levels.

Embedding principles of good practice set out in DfE’s Improving School Attendance advice.




Review and development of the behaviour policy to ensure additional interventions via Provision Re-Track are available to students to engage the students in a positive learning environment. External support in place.

To focus on developing a positive school ethos or improving behaviour across the whole school which also aim to support greater engagement in learning linked to increasing positive points.

Review and improve specific programmes in place which target specific behavioural issues. Including the use of Inclusion Rooms and offsite provision.

Behaviour interventions improve attainment by reducing challenging behaviour in school. This includes a range of behaviours – low level bullying, substance abuse etc.

According to DfE figures, students who received FSM are more likely to received permanent or fixed period exclusions compared to those who do not.


Use of external providers such as Youth Options, Compass REACH. Research suggests that students improve behaviour as confidence improves. Other areas that research has identified as having an impact on individual include; increased resilience, social and emotional benefits and this then links to improved outcomes.


Investigative research into alternative provision – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)








Quality careers provision for students to ensure they are able to link to the appropriate next stages in education/apprenticeships and to reduce the number of NEET students.

Including strategies to provide transport to open evenings, priority careers interviews, lunchtime careers drop ins. Work experience with EBP.

Students in receipt of pupil premium are twice as likely to not be in employment, education or training (NEET) compared to their better off peers, a new study has found. The report, Establishing the Employment Gap, from the venture philanthropy charity Impetus, found that 26 per cent of disadvantaged young people were NEET, compared to just 13 per cent of other young people.




Increase work experience opportunities for young people to engage in post 16 opportunities and reduce NEETS. Evidence suggest that Access to work experience can result in long-term employment and earning gains.






SENDCo role in the school at the forefront of SEND support. Investment in this area reflects its importance, including the compounding effects of disadvantage on SEND progress and attainment. This investment also reflects the importance of compliance with the SEND code of practice.

Strategic development of Inclusion Provision to include the establishment of three new specialists’ interventions rooms, Step, Engage & Retrack.

Further development and embedding of SENDCo role within school with the appointment of the deputy SENDCo role. Specialist SEND/pupil premium Year 11 one to one Mentoring Programme.


Enhanced pastoral support to increase parental engagement.

Introduction of online parents evening to improve attendance and engagement with parents.

Increase the pastoral team with an additional 2 staff members.

We will invest in a more robust and diverse communication system to ensure communication is as clear and concise as possible.

The support given to parents/carers is paramount in supporting key students. The importance of pastoral support is underlined by the EFF where it identifies that Parental engagement is about the equivalent to an additional four months progress over the course of one year. It has also been identified that the progress for low attaining students is even higher.




65% of schools find that making more use of technology, for example, text message is an effective way to communicate with hard to reach parents, while 62% say that focusing on positive news first is effective.




Reducing class sizes to support key students in key subjects – to see an improvement in outcomes.

Smaller class sizes enable higher quality interactions with students. This increases the quality and quantity of feedback to students.




Communication – Intouch

New communications system used to streamline the current communication system – increasing the use of social media. Working toward Parent Partnership Award.


Active deployment of recognised ‘Poverty Proofing’ strategies

Through CPD, all staff understand the context of the local community and the importance of an equitable experience for all students.  Regular promotion of FSMs to recognise changing family circumstances. Targeted breakfast club, food bank and second-hand uniform shop, where families can donate or collect items. Trips are sign posted well in advance with staggered payment schemes, with students either receiving free or subsidised places. Barriers to learning such as a lack of school equipment are removed.




Total budgeted cost: £331,564

Part B: Impact

Pupil Premium strategy outcomes

The strategy has been reviewed from 2022 – 23 and some of the Challenge areas have been removed due to it being completed. As part of the ongoing review of teaching and learning, the marking and feedback initiative has now been successfully embedded across the school. This has been evidenced within book looks, learning walks and observations. The focus on phonics and homework club have now been incorporated within the re-launch of SEND and our Inclusion Provision. In addition, post-COVID, lack of access to technology within the home has largely been overcome and now much less prevalent as an issue as evidenced by student voice and parental feedback.

There have been some developments within the challenges and key areas have been addressed over the year. We have completed the following:

  • Students were given devices where required
  • Introduction of level 2 Mental Health Team
  • Inclusion Provision re-launch
  • Behaviour System re-launch

We continue to use the strategies that we know have a positive impact as well as developing other strategies that suit the needs of the whole cohort and individual learners.

We have analysed the performance of our school’s disadvantaged pupils during the 2022/23 academic year using key stage 4 performance data and our own internal assessments.

For 2023, the Progress 8 score (which is a measure of how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of KS2 and the end of KS4, compared to other similar pupils nationally) for our pupil premium students is estimated at   -0.57, compared to -1.16 2021/22 and a current national average of -0.71. In addition, the gap between our non-pupil premium students and pupil premium students has narrowed (2021/22 0.73, 2022/23 0.45) For Attainment 8 (which is a measure of GCSE attainment across 8 subjects) it was 34.52, compared to 35.8 2021/22 and a current national average of 34.9. See DfE guidance for more information about KS4 performance measures. Against both these measures, the difference has diminished between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students at The Hamble School.

However, Key stage 4 data and our internal assessments suggest that, despite some strong individual performances, the progress and attainment of the school’s disadvantaged pupils in 2022/23 was below our expectations.

EBacc entry for disadvantaged pupils was 20.7%, which is a little higher compared to the previous 3 years and 27% below that for non-disadvantaged pupils, compared to 33% 2021/22.

Absence and persistent absence among FSM6 pupils are higher than their peers We recognise this gap remains too large which is why raising the attendance of our disadvantaged pupils is a focus of our current plan.

Our assessments demonstrated that pupil behaviour improved last year, but challenges around wellbeing and mental health remain higher than before the pandemic. The impact on disadvantaged pupils has been particularly acute.

These results mean that we are not at present on course to achieve the outcomes that we set out to achieve by 2025/26, as stated in the Intended Outcomes section above. We have reviewed our strategy plan and made changes to how we intend to use some of our budget this academic year, as set out in the Activity in This Academic Year section above. The Further Information section below provides more details about our planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.

Service Pupil Premium funding



How did you spend your service Pupil Premium allocation last academic year?

Service children can access funding for curriculum trips. A member of staff is available to support this small group of students and signpost them to additional support available within school as necessary, e.g. ELSA and Bereavement Friendship Group and Drawing & Talking therapy.

What was the impact of that spending on service Pupil Premium eligible students?

Support is available to support service students with anxiety and loss when a family member is deployed. Service children attended class visits and other educational experiences offered.

Further information

Additional activity

Our Pupil Premium strategy will be supplemented by additional activity that is not being funded by Pupil Premium or recovery premium. That will include:

  • Embedding more effective practice around assessment and feedback. EEF evidence demonstrates this has significant benefits for students, particularly disadvantaged students.
  • Offering a wide range of high-quality extracurricular activities to boost wellbeing, behaviour, attendance, and Activities (e.g., The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award), will focus on building life skills such as confidence, resilience, and socialising. Disadvantaged students will be encouraged and supported to participate.

External resources will be supplemented such as revision guide, art materials and trips

Planning, implementation, and evaluation

In planning our new Pupil Premium strategy, we evaluated the impact of our strategies and which were the most successful. We have also reviewed our strategies so that we can further support our students.

We triangulated evidence from multiple sources of data including assessments, book looks, impact reports, conversations with parents, students and teachers in order to identify the challenges faced by disadvantaged students.

We looked at a number of reports and studies about effective use of Pupil Premium, the impact of disadvantage on education outcomes and how to address challenges to learning presented by socio-economic disadvantage. We also looked at a number of studies about the impact of the pandemic on disadvantaged students.

We used the EEF’s implementation guidance to help us develop our strategy and will continue to use it through the implementation of our activities.

We have put a robust evaluation framework in place for the duration of our three- year approach and will adjust our plan over time to secure better outcomes for students.