Well done to all the students who have auditioned or signed up to be part of our whole school production this year. This is a great opportunity to get involved in an extra-curricular activity. It is also a chance to meet new people and make friends outside of your classes.

Mr Needham (Head of PE) is in charge of co-ordinating our extra-curricular clubs and this week he advertised all of the lunchtime/ after school groups for the spring term. You can find a copy here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/extra-curricular-activities/ We really do believe that it is important for students to experience all aspects of school life and would encourage everyone to get involved in opportunities outside of the classroom.

Next week is WEEK 1



Events w/b 22 January

w/b 22 January – Year 11 Revision Week

Monday 22 January – Recruitment Event from 4:30pm-5:30pm. Tour the school, meet key staff and find out about working as part of Team Hamble.

Tuesday 23 January – Parent Forum 6pm online. Find out about how to sign up below.

Tuesday 23 January – Year 10 Music Solo Recording Day.

Tuesday 23 January – Year 9 Cause for Concern Parents’ Evening. Invites have been sent home for selected students.

Thursday 25 January – Year 7 Learn with Us Workshop.

Friday 26 January – Year 11 Test for Success.

Friday 26 January – Year 11 Cause for Concern Parents’ evening. Invites have been sent home for selected students.




You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts.



Theme of the Week – Reading Week

The week commencing Monday 22 January is our next reading week.  This will involve all tutor groups in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.  Tutors will need to deliver three sessions across this week.  The theme for the sessions is ‘The Holocaust’. Students will be reading extracts from a non-fiction text called ‘The Promise’ by Eva Schloss. As well as exploring the important content, this is also an opportunity for students to develop their reading skills and they will be expected to read aloud. Tutor swill support and facilitate this.

There is also a section of the Library where ‘Reading Week’ books can be found. Please encourage your child to explore this and/ or try some of our Recommended Reads:  https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/library/recommended-reads/ Research suggests that reading for 20 minutes a day increases academic performance but also helps Mental Health.



Parent Forum

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the Senior Leadership Team, please sign up for the Parent Forum online on Tuesday 23 January at 6pm. Complete the form below and we will email you a link on Monday: https://forms.office.com/e/98pRqX5NDW



Would you like to be part of Team Hamble?

We are currently expanding our staffing team to provide more capacity. We are looking for teachers (both ECTs and experienced), leaders and support staff. Please do visit our vacancies page https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/current-vacancies/ and/ or sign up to come along to our Recruitment Event at 4:30pm on Monday 22 January:




Kooth Mental Health Support

Your local NHS is providing free counselling, community support and self-help tools for your people through kooth.com. It is completely anonymous and you can sign up without any sort of referral.




Year 11 Update

Afterschool intervention will take place on Tuesday and Thursday.

On Wednesday 31 January (6pm-7:30pm) there will be an Achieving Excellence Evening for both parents/ carers and students. The sessions will be bespoke based on your child’s needs. Sign up details will come out soon.

This week during tutor time and in lessons, students will be supported with writing a revision timetable and try different revision techniques. It is important that they now start revision for their mock exams, if they have not already done so.  There are some good hints/ tips here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zw8qpbk#zh38wnb



If you or a friend/ relative are a former student from The Hamble School and would be happy sharing your story with our current students, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/J2mhxj3r6e

We are particularly looking for people who would be happy talking to our Year 11s about their careers in an assembly.




Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday. This week over 45 students attended Proud Friday.

Find out more here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/rewards-recognition/

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Harriet S 7-1
  • Year 8 – Isabel M 8-2
  • Year 9 – Mia H 9-4
  • Year 10 – Wiktoria B 10-8
  • Year 11 – Christopher Q 11-6


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/ they really do enjoy receiving these each week.




If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/

We have recently added information about a number of free parent/ carer courses or events to this section of our website.