Weekly Message – 19 July 2024

Weekly Message – 19 July 2024

We have had another week of exciting events and end of term celebrations. Over 270 students have enjoyed the Reward Trips Paddle boarding, donutting and to the Mayflower Theatre to see Six. We have continued our Transition Programme, with visits to the feeder primary...
Weekly Message – 12 July 2024

Weekly Message – 12 July 2024

This week we have had lots of trips and events going and it has been wonderful to see students engaging in activities outside of the classroom. As the end of term approaches, we are also still very much focussed on learning in lessons and we were delighted to welcome...
Weekly Message – 5 July 2024

Weekly Message – 5 July 2024

This week has been full of events. On Monday we had an INSED Day where staff joined together to focus on Reading and Curriculum Development – We have been planning for next academic year and making sure that all our schemes of learning are really challenging and...
Weekly Message – 28 June 2024

Weekly Message – 28 June 2024

It has been an exciting and memorable week. We have started our Academic Transition with the local feeder schools and our teachers have really enjoyed visiting the Year 6 students to deliver lessons. So far, we have been to Netley Abbey Junior School and Hamble...
Weekly Message – 21 June 2024

Weekly Message – 21 June 2024

Well done to the Year 10 students who have been completing their end of year exams this week – The invigilators have reported that the students have been working hard and concentrating in their exams. Thank you to the Parents/ Carers who attended Parent Forum on...