Aims and Ethos

PSHCRE Overview

Personal, Social, Health, Careers, Religious Education

PSHCRE - Personal, Social, Health, Careers, Religious EducationThe school’s vision for PSHCRE is to provide a coherent programme of Personal, Social, Health, Careers and Religious Education. This is in line with the school’s aim for students to reach the highest levels of academic achievement and personal development, so that they are well prepared for the next phase of their education and life beyond The Hamble School.

Our intent is to ensure that PSHCRE provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore a range of complex (and at times conflicting) issues that they will encounter now and in the future.

At Key Stage 3 students study a spiral curriculum focussed around HAMBLE:

  • H – Health
  • A – Ambition
  • M – Media and government
  • B – Being me
  • L – Love and respect
  • E – Emotional and physical wellbeing

The overview for each KS3 area below demonstrates the spiral curriculum and coverage:

KS3 PSHCRE Curriculum Overview

At Key Stage 4 students continue to follow these themes but also spend more time focussed on the Careers aspect of PSHCRE so that students are able to prepared effectively for life beyond The Hamble School.

The overview for KS4 is below:

KS4 PSHCRE Curriculum Overview

Alongside the taught curriculum in lessons, students in all years have ‘drop down’ PSHCRE Days designed to enhance understanding and engagement, encourage debate and cover more challenging topics from the DfE statutory RSE guidance. External subject specialists will come into school to cover some of this content.

  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
PSHCRE Day Healthy Me Staying Safe Healthy Relationships Careers Fair and College Taster Events Exams and Exam Stress/ Wellbeing
PSHCRE Additional Session ‘Know your bits’ puberty ‘Sharing of nudes’ Contraception Consent Healthy Relationships