We hope you and your family have had a wonderful half term. We return to school on Monday 4 November at 8:30am and we look forward to seeing all students.

We have a number of important events coming up this half term and we are looking forward to another busy and productive 7 weeks.

Next week is WEEK 1


Events w/b 4 November

Year 8 PR1 Progress Reports will be emailed home during the week.

Monday 4 November – School starts at 8:30am. Year 11 Mock Exams begin.

Tuesday 5 November – Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme launch – 6pm in the Main Hall for students and Parents/ Carers.


Future Dates

Monday 11 November – Year 11 Mock Exams continue.

Monday 11 November – Remembrance Commemorations.

Monday 11 November – Parent Forum – 6pm in SC16 for Parents/ Carers.

Wednesday 13 November – Year 10 Achieving Excellence Evening – 5:30pm in the Main Hall for students and Parents/ Carers.




You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

As a reminder there is a tab on this page for each year group, so that you can see exactly what has been sent home each week to all Parents/ Carers.

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Theme of the Week – Safety, Respect and Tolerance

Next week Progress Leaders will deliver assemblies on firework safety. With Guy Fawkes Night coming up on the 5 November and the availability of fireworks at this time of year, it is important that young people understand the risks associated with fireworks and the ways that they can keep themselves safe. The assemblies will also look at anti-social behaviour and the impact of this on local communities, particularly vulnerable people within the community.

Year 9 and 10 will have an additional focus on the next step of the BeeWell project. We are very proud to be part of this programme and you can find out more here: https://beewellprogramme.org/

Tutor time – Personal Development Programme:

Linked to the assemblies, students will be looking at respect and tolerance next week. Respect and Tolerance are two of the fundamental British Values that underpin our society. Students will look at diversity within our local and national communities, what discrimination looks like, the impact of discrimination as well as how we can celebrate diversity. You can find out more about British Values on our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/promoting-british-values-smsc/

As a school we do not accept prejudiced, racist, homophonic or sexist language. We are an inclusive school and will not tolerate discrimination. Everyone has the right to feel safe in school. Any concerns must be reported: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/


This Week at the Dinner Table…

  1. What are the three things you enjoyed most over the half term holidays?
  2. What are you looking forward to when you return to school?
  3. What goals do you have for Autumn Term 2?
  4. How are you going to achieve these goals?
  5. What must you do if you are worried about anything at school?


Celebrating Success

We are very proud of all our students and their achievements inside and outside of school. We would encourage you to read the school newsletter which was published last week, if you have not already done so. This is a real ‘showcase’ of everything students achieved last half term. It can be downloaded here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/newsletter/ If your son/ daughter has achieved something outside of school, we would love to feature this in one of our communications, please do email information (and a picture) to communication@thehambleschool.co.uk


Year 10 Progress Reports

The Year 10 Progress Reports were emailed home to contact number one on InTouch earlier this week. If you cannot find this, please check your junk mail. If you need the report to be resent, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/UYwgxeLGv7


PSHCRE Curriculum

PSHCRE - Personal, Social, Health, Careers, Religious Education

Over the next half term we will feature a different subject each week so that you can find out more about the curriculum and what your child is currently studying. A reminder that the curriculum overview and year group booklets are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/curriculum-overview/

This week we are featuring PSHCRE (Personal Social Health Careers and Religious Education).

The school’s vision for PSHCRE is to provide a coherent programme of Personal, Social, Health, Careers and Religious Education. This is in line with the school’s aim for students to reach the highest levels of academic achievement and personal development, so that they are well prepared for the next phase of their education and life beyond The Hamble School.

Our intent is to ensure that PSHCRE provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore a range of complex (and at times conflicting) issues that they will encounter now and in the future.

At Key Stage 3 students study a spiral curriculum focussed around HAMBLE:

H – Health

A – Ambition

M – Media and government

B – Being me

L – Love and respect

E – Emotional and physical wellbeing

KS3 PSHCRE Curriculum Overview

At Key Stage 4 students continue to follow these themes but also spend more time focussed on the Careers aspect of PSHCRE so that students are able to prepared effectively for life beyond The Hamble School.

KS4 PSHCRE Curriculum Overview

Alongside the taught curriculum in lessons, students in all years have ‘drop down’ PSHCRE Days designed to enhance understanding and engagement, encourage debate and cover more challenging topics from the DfE statutory RSE guidance. External subject specialists will come into school to cover some of this content.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
PSHCRE Day Healthy Me Staying Safe Healthy Relationships Careers Fair and College Taster Events Exams and Exam Stress/ Wellbeing
PSHCRE Additional Session ‘Know your bits’ puberty ‘Sharing of nudes’ Contraception Consent Healthy Relationships


Year 11 Mock Exam Information

A reminder to ensure that your child has the equipment below for their Year 11 Mock Exams:

  • At least two black pens
  • An HB pencil
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Maths equipment – Protractor, compass
  • Highlighter pen
  • All equipment needs to be stored in a clear, transparent pencil case (or plastic wallet)
  • Clear water bottle without a label.

The timetable is available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/examination-information/ if you need another copy.

Intervention continues this week on a Tuesday and Thursday afterschool.


Year 10 Achieving Excellence Evenings

Our Year 10 Achieving Excellence Evening is on Wednesday 13 November at 5:30pm in the Main Hall. This evening will be focussed on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science as well as Study Skills. The events are for students and their Parents/ Carers. Please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/UMcdRzYwuX


Year 7 MFL Groups

A reminder that students in Year 7 will be taught in their specialist French or Spanish groups from Monday. This will impact on their RE groups as well due to the timetabling.


Year 10 and 11 Science Groups

After half term Year 10 students and some Year 11s will be moving into focussed teaching groups. Students have already been told of these changes and the reasons why we believe the new groups will increase student outcomes. New timetables will be handed out on Monday during tutor time. The classes will also be available on Class Charts.


Year 7 Homework

As you are aware we have operated a staggered introduction to homework this year to support the transition between primary and secondary school. Last half term students received homework for English, Maths and Science. In Autumn Term 2 we will be adding MFL, Geography and History homework. This means that students will now have one piece of homework each week for:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • MFL

Each task is designed to take 30 minutes and students should be given a week to complete this. A reminder that all details are on Class Charts.

Other subjects will be added after Christmas.


Parent/ Carer Engagement

We know that a positive working relationship between all stakeholders (students, Parents/ Carers and the school) means that students will:

  • Achieve the best possible outcomes
  • Make excellent progress
  • Improve their attendance and punctuality
  • Improve their behaviour

We are currently working towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award. This is a nationally recognised framework which is helping us to ensure Parents/ Carers have a voice in different aspects of school life.

As part of this we have been running Parent Forums each month. These are designed to give Parents/ Carers the opportunity to come into school and discuss our improvement journey as well as make suggestions as part of Parent/ Carer Voice. If you are able to attend the next Parent Forum we would very much like to see you – We will be meeting on Monday 11 November at 6pm in Skills Centre 16 (SC16). Please do sign up here, if you are able to attend: https://forms.office.com/e/An0qh2P21y

Please note that these sessions are for Parents/ Carers only.

As part of the Leading Parent Partnership Award we would also appreciate it if you can spare 5 minutes to complete the survey here: https://forms.office.com/e/yrSbbunvRc


Remembrance Commemorations – Monday 11 November 

On Monday 11 November all students and staff will share in our Act of Remembrance to commemorate all those who have served their country, and lost their lives during conflict. Our students who are member of Scouting, Guide, military cadet or other uniformed organisations are invited to wear their uniforms to school as a mark of respect. If students are not wearing these uniforms they will need to wear school uniform as usual.

We will have assemblies at 10:30am for all year groups and students and staff will join together in a 2-minute silence at 11am.


Children in Need – Friday 15th November

As a part of our charity fundraising, this year we will be raising money for Children in Need. On Friday 15 November there will be fun activities to do at breaktime and lunchtime. There will be chances to win prizes, compete in our House competitions and raise money for an excellent cause.

In preparation for this, we would like students to bring any spare change they have into school for our House collection. The money should be brought in at any point up until Friday 15 November and handed to their tutor to collect. The money will then be collected into House collection buckets before being turned into beautiful artwork created by our Student Leadership Team and Tutor Representatives.

On Friday 15 November students can bring any money that they would like to spend taking part in our fun activities for Children in Need. All money donated will go directly to this excellent cause. There will also be an ability to donate on ScoPay for those that wish to.



The students listed below achieved the most reward points during the last week of last half term – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Daisy B 7-2
  • Year 8 –Amelia G 8-6
  • Year 9 –Lacey A 9-1
  • Year 10 – Ruby N10-6
  • Year 11 – Becky J 11-2



If you or your child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/