Thank you to everyone who has completed surveys this week – The Parent/ Carer Survey will close on Monday 16 December. If you have not completed it and still have time to do so, please read the ‘Improvements Since the Last Ofsted’ document here: and then complete the survey: During tutor time this week students have also completed a Student Voice survey and Year 10 will be the last year group to do this on Monday. We will provide feedback on the surveys and a decision on the changes to the timings to the school day in January 2025.
Thank you to Parents/ Carers who attended the Parent Forum on Thursday. This included discussions with Miss Cambridge, Mrs Valleley and Mr Wood, as well as a tour of the school during lesson time. Parents/ Carers provided some very positive feedback.
We have really been getting into the festive spirit this week and we were delighted to see students, Parents/ Carers, staff and members of the community at the Community Carols on Wednesday. The choir were wonderful performing a selection of Christmas songs and leading us all singing carols.
On Friday we raised money for Save the Children and our Food Bank through our school Christmas Jumper Day. We would also like to thank Hampshire Catering for providing some very tasty Christmas Dinners.
Last week we featured in the Southern Daily Echo and we are delighted that our two national awards have made it into the news. Please do read the article here:
As a school we continue to always strive to provide the very best provision inside and outside of the classroom. On Friday we were delighted to welcome Education Consultant Amjad Ali, who came into school to work with our T&L Coaches. Amjad was really impressed with what he saw in lessons and reported that behaviour was excellent and he could see many of the Teaching and Learning strategies we have been focusing on in action.
A reminder that we finish for the Christmas Holidays on Friday 20 December at 1pm and return to school on Monday 6 January 2025 at 8:30am. If you have any questions over the holidays, you can email however as the school is closed, you may not receive a response until we return in January.
Next week is WEEK 1
Question of the Week
Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.
Books make great presents; with so many books for children and teenagers published each year it can be hard to make that final choice for a present for young readers. If you are thinking about buying your son/ daughter a book so that they can relax and read over the holidays, a reminder that our Recommended Reads can be found here:
Events w/b 16 December
Wednesday 18 December – Year 7 Grandparent event. 1pm. Meet at reception. Please sign up here:
Thursday 19 December – Choir visit local Care Homes
Thursday 19 December – Year 7&8 PTA Disco at 6:30pm. Tickets are no longer available, however, if you have paid for your child to attend, you need to complete the online permission form sent in a letter on Friday
Friday 20 December – Celebration Assemblies. Last day of term (early finish at 1pm).
Future Dates
Monday 6 January – First day of school for all students.
Thursday 9 January – Year 11 Parents’ Evening. Please ensure you have booked appointments online.
Thursday 9 January – Year 10 and 11 Mayflower Theatre to see Hairspray.
You can find all letters sent home over the week here –
The canteen menus can be found here:
Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts
Theme of the Week – Celebration
On Friday it will be the end of the first full term of the 2024-25 school year. It is a chance for us to celebrate the achievements of the students across every year group at The Hamble School. It is fantastic that in the last 17 weeks students have really embraced the opportunities available at school. They have worked hard and demonstrated a positive attitude, which is required to succeed now and in the future. The celebration assemblies will take place on the final day of term, with recognition awards, subject and year group prizes and a chance for students to celebrate each other’s successes.
Next week in tutor time, students in Years 7-10 will be looking at success and celebration. They will cover:
- The importance of recognising success in ourselves and others.
- How can we increase our chance of being successful.
- How we can overcome barriers, have resilience when we fail and understand that failure is an important part to achieving success.
- Plan for next half term by setting targets/ goals.
Success comes in different forms, both within the academic curriculum as well as the wider curriculum. It’s important to identify when we have been successful and to celebrate our own and others’ successes to continue building a positive community where everyone is valued for their contributions.
This Week at the Dinner Table
Why not use these questions to review your year…
- What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
- What is the best thing that happened?
- What challenges did you overcome?
- What new skills did you learn?
- What did you enjoy the most?
- What was your favourite moment?
- How did you have fun?
- What new habits did you start?
- What are you the most proud of this year?
- What did you learn about yourself?
- What was the best decision you took?
- How did you fail?
- What got in the way of your success?
- What would you do differently if you could?
- How are you different than a year ago?
- What did you do for your physical and mental health?
- Who or what had the biggest impact on your life this year?
- What are you thankful for this year?
- What did you leave unfinished?
- What was the best compliment you received
- If you were to talk about this year like a story, how would you write it?
- How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?
- What energised you? what drained you?
- How kind were you to yourself?
- What advice would you give your last-year self?
Knife Crime and Criminal Exploitation
This week we have a continuation of the Police Knife Crime Awareness assemblies. As part of our focus on supporting students to keep themselves safe, Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 will have their assembly from PC Paul Richards on anti-social behaviour and knife crime (Year 9 had their assembly 2 weeks ago). PC Paul Richards is from the Hampshire Police Education Partnership Team and is able to link the assembly to the Hampshire Police initiative ‘Operation Sceptre’ in a bid to prevent young people being drawn into knife crime. The Year 9 assembly raised some really interesting discussions around how students can keep themselves safe when out and about in our local communities, as well as how to communicate any concerns with key adults and services, should they be worried about anything.
Rewards and Trips
It has been another positive term for rewards at The Hamble school! Students have worked hard every day to do their best in all aspects of school life and earn positive points, rewards and certificates.
Our Proud Friday celebrations remain a popular and well-attended way to end the week, allowing students to showcase any work that they feel deserves recognition. So far this term, a brilliant 385 certificates have been given out and some talented, entertaining and diligent work has been seen. All students are invited to Proud Friday, and all types of work are accepted, as long as it shows hard work and determination.
Our reward system continues to be both popular amongst students and another great way for them to see the benefit and result of their efforts in and out of the classroom. 213 students have now earned their gold certificate for 750 points and 15 have their ruby certificate for 1000 points. These students are well on their way to getting to 1500 points/ diamond certificates and qualifying for the end of year rewards trips in June 2025. Currently, more than two thirds of students are on track to reach diamond and we are working on plans to ensure that this achievement will be able to be suitably celebrated with some big trips. Details on this will be sent via a letter to Parents/ Carers this week.
Miss Cambridge has awarded 12 students with a special Headteacher’s Commendations this term for excelling themselves in school and going above and beyond in a variety of contexts. This is a fantastic achievement for all, and we are very proud of them for showcasing the range of brilliant talents we have amongst the student body.
Keep checking our website and social media channels for more information and good news stories on rewards. If you want to share any achievements, please email
Duke of Edinburgh
Wow! What an amazing amount of interest we have had for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. It is truly testament to the importance our students are placing on getting involved in opportunities at the school. We are looking at ensuring we can accept every single student who has shown an interest but we have to ensure enough staff are trained and look at dates for the additional expeditions that will need to take place.
We have also received the updated prices for the Duke of Edinburgh Award registration fee, coach travel and camping fees for the expeditions. We are looking to keep the cost to Parents/ Carers as low as possible. Please bear with us as we finalise the plan for this year. A letter will be sent to you with more details as well as the final cost for the Duke of Edinburgh programme in the new year.
Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you to all students and Parents/ Carers for their contributions including donations to Save the Children and food for our school Food Bank. We had a huge number of food donations and £532.70 from cash/ Scopay donations. The money donated will go straight to Save the Children who use it for a number of really important causes. They help 47 million children across the world get medicine, good food and the education that they need. We really appreciate all your support for these excellent causes – it makes us all proud to be part of #TeamHamble.
Safeguarding over Christmas
Our and Report It buttons will not be checked regularly over the Christmas holidays. If you need help or support, please use the contact details below:
For families living at a Hampshire address, please call Hampshire Children’s Service – 0300 555 1384 Monday to Thursday (8:30am to 5pm), Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm). The out of hours contact number for Hampshire Children’s Services is 0300 555 1373.
For families living at a Southampton address, please call Southampton Children’s Resource Service on 230 8083 3004 Monday to Thursday (8:30am to 5pm), Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm). The out of hours contact number for Southampton is 023 8023 3344.
If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a child you should call 999.
Food Bank
If you would like a Food Parcel to help you through the Christmas period, please do email Mrs Tonner is our Family Support Worker and will happily arrange a collection for you.
Year 11 Parents Evening
Our Year 11 Parent’ Evening is on Thursday 9 January for all Year 11 Parents/ Carers and their children. It is really important that everyone attends and books appointments with teachers to get feedback from the Mock Exams. Appointments can be booked here:
Progress Reports will be emailed home to Parents/ Carers on or before Wednesday 18 December so you have this data before Christmas.
Year 7 Homework
As you are aware we have staggered the introduction of homework for Year 7 students so that they are supported with this during the transition from Primary to Secondary School. From January 2025 Year 7 students will now be receiving homework for all subjects. This will be posted on Class Charts as normal.
Year 7 Swimming
A reminder that we are starting our Year 7 swimming lessons within our PE curriculum after the Christmas holidays. We are extremely lucky to be able to offer this opportunity to our students and there has been lots of excitement this week from students. Please don’t forget to make your voluntary contribution via Scopay if you are able to give £5.
- Year 7 – Mia R 7-7
- Year 8 – Oleksandr B 8-6
- Year 9 – William W 9-8
- Year 10 – Scarlett W 10-9
- Year 11 – Rafferty M 11-8
If you or your child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: