Happy New Year! We hope everyone has managed to have a relaxing Christmas break and your child is ready for Spring Term 1. We wanted to send the first Weekly Message of the year today, so that you have time to ensure your son/ daughter is ready and prepared for Monday. Please do read the information carefully and as ever, you can email general@thehambleschool.co.uk if you have any questions.

Next week is WEEK 2


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

28-Weekly Message Question
Has your child made a New Year's resolution?

Each week we will ask parents/ carers a question in the Weekly Message – this will either be about a topic we are focussing on or an aspect of our school improvement plan. We would appreciate it if everyone answers it when reading the Weekly Message.


Events w/b 6 January

Monday 6 January – First day of school for all students. Please ensure that they are in tutor rooms by 8:30am

Tuesday 7 January – Year 11 GCSE Drama Set Play

Tuesday 7 January – Year 11 Intervention after school

Thursday 9 January – Year 8-11 Arts Trip to the Mayflower Theatre to see Hairspray

Thursday 9 January – Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 9 January – No Year 11 Intervention after school due to Parents’ Evening

Friday 10 January – Year 11 Maths Test for Success


Future Dates

Thursday 16 January – School Recruitment Fair – Come and see what the school has to offer as part of #TeamHamble


Thursday 23 January – Year 7 Parents’ Evening.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

If you didn’t have the opportunity to read the Headteacher’s letter or Newsletter before Christmas, they are both available on our website:



Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Theme of the Week – Resolutions

The Theme of the Week is focussed on resolutions (linked to New Year’s Resolutions). Students will be learning about why we make resolutions and how we can use human nature and routine to form new habits in order to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

We would recommend this book if you and your child are interested in ‘habit forming’ and how to be more effective: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey – Available on Amazon for £9.90.

This week we will also have House assemblies delivered by Mrs Emmett-Callaghan and the House Captains.


This Week at the Dinner Table

Action for Happiness www.actionforhappiness.org has some great information on their website and social media to help us transition from one year to the next…Take some time this weekend to reflect on the year that’s passed.

  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are you pleased about?
  • What are your achievements? What are you proud of?
  • What were the milestones?
  • What were your happiest moments?

Write them down and reflect on what lessons you have from the last 12 months.

Is there anything you want to let go of from last year?

Is there anything you want to cultivate more of in the coming year? What do you want to take forward?

An examined life is a life well lived.


Staffing and Timetables

We are pleased that we are fully staffed for January 2025 and we looking forward to welcoming the following staff this term:

  • Mrs S Mount – Raising Standards Leader for English
  • Mrs S Nevett – Teacher of Technology
  • Ms L Phillips – School Inclusion Coach
  • Mr A Hamza – Cover Supervisor.

We also welcomed back Mrs Clarkson from maternity leave just before Christmas.

This does mean that there will be a small number of changes to teachers/ rooms; these will be available on Class Charts when the system rolls over on Monday and students will be given paper copies during tutor.

Tutor changes were detailed in the end of term letter, but are also available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/pastoral-care/ A reminder that your child’s tutor can be contacted via general@thehambleschool.co.uk To speed up communication, please put their tutor’s name in the Subject of the email.

A reminder that all Year 11 students will have a new tutor group for January 2025 and this was detailed on the individual letters sent home before Christmas.


Duke of Edinburgh

The students in Year 10 who have declared an interest, in December, in doing the Duke of Edinburgh Programme should have received an email with how to secure their place. The deadline for the initial deposit is Friday 10 January. If your Year 10 child wishes to be enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh Programme this year, then please ensure that payment is made by this date to prevent any disappointment.


The House System

In the coming week, we will be focusing on our House System and holding an assembly for each House. These are important occasions where we will remind students of the values of the House System, promote school spirit, and reinforce a sense of community and teamwork across all year groups. The students will also have the opportunity to see how their house is doing in terms of earning points towards the House Cup and to find out about upcoming House events and activities.

The House System plays a central role in our school culture, encouraging students to engage in friendly competition, develop leadership skills, and build lasting friendships. We are excited to see how each House will grow and support one another throughout the year.


Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Our Year 11 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 9 January for all Year 11 Parents/ Carers and their children. It is really important that everyone attends and books appointments with teachers to get feedback from the Mock Exams. Appointments can be booked here: https://hamblecollege.schoolcloud.co.uk/

Progress Reports were all sent home before the Christmas break – Please do ensure that you complete the feedback form using the link in the letter.


Uniform and Equipment

As we prepare for the students’ return to school, we would like to remind you of the importance of adhering to the school’s uniform policy. A well-maintained uniform promotes a sense of pride and unity and we appreciate your support in ensuring that all students arrive at school dressed appropriately.

Please ensure your child’s uniform is complete and complies with the school’s guidelines. This includes wearing the correct shoes, socks, no jewellery other than one set of studs in the ear lobes/watch and no painted or false nails. If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the uniform, please contact your child’s Progress Leader.

The full uniform policy can be found on our website – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/uniform/

Please also ensure that they have all the equipment needed every day. A list is detailed below and on the same document.

  • X2 Pens (black or blue)
  • Pencil
  • Coloured pens
  • Eraser
  • Glue Stick
  • Green pen
  • Purple pen
  • Highlighter
  • Pair of compasses
  • Protractor
  • Ruler
  • Sharpener
  • Water bottle
  • Students also need a scientific calculator for Science and Maths. You can purchase the correct version (Casio CLASSWIZ fx-83GTX) on the school Scopay system for just £8.04
  • Hamble plastic Zip Wallet
  • School planner.

Replacement zip wallets and planners can also be purchased on Scopay.

Equipment and uniform will be checked daily by the tutor and negative points issued if it is not correct.


Year 7 Homework

As you are aware we have staggered the introduction of homework for Year 7 students so that they are supported with this during the transition from Primary to Secondary School. From January 2025 Year 7 students will now be receiving homework for all subjects. This will be posted on Class Charts as normal.


Year 7 Swimming

We would like to remind you that Swimming lessons for Year 7 students will begin in January, as part of our Physical Education (PE) programme. These lessons are an important opportunity for students to develop vital swimming skills and water safety knowledge. The rotations for lessons are below

Tutor Group 7-4 and 7-7    Spring Term 1 (6 January – 14 February)

Tutor Group 7-2 and 7-6    Spring Term 2 (24 February – 4 April)

Tutor Group 7-3 and 7-8    Summer Term 1 (22 April – 23 May)

Tutor Group 7-1 and 7-5    Summer Term 2 (2 June – 18 July).

Please ensure your child comes prepared with one of the following:

  • One-piece swim suit
  • One-piece swim outfit with long sleeves and legs (wetsuits are not permitted)
  • Swimming trunks or tight-fitted shorts above the knee
  • Cycling shorts with swim suits are permitted.

Other things they will need:

  • A swimming hat if their hair is long to prevent hair going in their eyes or mouth when wet and to keep hair dry
  • Towel
  • A separate bag within your child’s school bag for their wet clothes and towel
  • Hairbrush

If your child is unable to participate in swimming lessons due to any health reasons, please let your child’s PE teacher know in advance with a note from a healthcare provider.

We are looking forward to enjoyable and productive Swimming lessons for all Year 7 students.


Thank You

We would like to express our thanks to Connect for Communities and the Rotary Club for the generous donation of food vouchers before the Christmas break . Your support meant that we could help families facing challenges over the Christmas period.



If you or your child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/